Static Mixers-SX type
Gantry Crane
The Static Mixer Is A High-Efficiency Mixing Device Without Power Requirement. It Can Be Widely Used In Many Different Industry. Converting Only A Small Portion Of The Energy Of The Fluid Itself Into Mixed Energy, And Using The Precisely Designed Blades To Bring Fluid Into The Mixer Tube. After The Process Of Division, Reversal, Mixing And Rectification, The Purpose Of Good Dispersion And Thorough Mixing Between The Mixtures Is Achieved.
Compared With Traditional Mixing Equipment, Static Mixers Have The Advantages Of Compact Structure, Low Energy Consumption, Low Investment, High Operational Flexibility And No Need To Maintenance. Our Static Mixers Can Be Customized According To Customer's Requirement.
Detailed description
The static mixer does not require external energy. It uses the kinetic energy and potential energy of the fluid itself to mix the fluid. It is acted by the mixing blades in the tube. The blades make the fluid in the tube rotate left and sometimes right, constantly changing the flow direction to fully mix the fluid. , produces good results.
It Is Suitable For The Process Of Mixing, Reaction, Extraction, Absorption, Color Matching And Heat Transfer In Chemical, 4Petroleum, Pharmaceutical, Food, Fine Chemicals And Plastics Industries.
◎If you want to inquire about static mixers, please download the "Static Mixer Inquiry Form" first. After filling in the details, send it to our company's email address Service@Yunlirong.Com.Tw and someone will be at your service. Thank you.